21st October 2009
Level 4 Officials Course Programme
The Level 4 Officials Course Programme for 2009/2010 has now been published. To view the programme and the registration form please click here.
Who can become a level 4?
Level 5 officials who have been on the National active list for at least 3 years and have attended the relevant level 3 modules. Level 3 National officials (new structure) who have been on the National Active List for at least 3 years (this timescale can be rescinded in exceptional circumstances).
However, officials at all levels can attend the modules of the level 4 course for personal/professional development.
What is the Level 4 course?
There are 3 compulsory modules; Management and Leadership, Mentoring and Disability (either track or field). There are also 4 optional modules of which two should be completed; Meeting Manager, Call Room, TIC, Disability (the module not covered as compulsory).
Additional Information
Course fee is £15 per module or £50 for the whole course (can be taken over different course programmes).
In order to register for a course please complete a registration form together with a cheque for the course fee and return to;
UKA Level 4 Officials Course Registration, UKA, Athletics House, Central Boulevard, Blythe Valley Park, Solihull, B90 8AJ